Set out below is an overview of the training and skills provisions in place at Marjan Television Network (MTN), together with an evaluation as to their effectiveness during 2011, based on the self‐ evaluation strands introduced by the Broadcasting Equality Training Regulator. Overview: 1. Training planning driven by organisational objectives MTN does not have a training and development plan although employees are encouraged to attend courses for their specific training needs. There is no formal process by which MTN links its training and development activity to individual or organisational goals. Training is focussed on technical skills relating to the specific needs of each team, and training for employees is paid for from the budget relating to the team to which the employee belongs. Training budgets are therefore devoted to teams but are not ring‐fenced for training. However, MTN consults informally with staff to identify and plan the training and development activities that will help them achieve their individual goals and increase their skills (particularly technical skills). MTN welcomes and encourages employees’ own suggestions and requests for training. Training can be initiated by line managers or employees irrespective of any overall plan. Training materials are provided that are specific to each team, for example, the edit suite has a guidance manual relating to post‐ production techniques and roles for uniformity at each work station. In addition, ad hoc training is brought in or developed as and when required. Given the nature of the work at MTN, the various differing roles of employees, and the number of freelance employees, it is rarely conducive to the working practices for blanket training to be held. MTN is a relatively new business (established in 2009) and it is considering the introduction of a training programme driven by organisational objectives. 2. Ensuring new staff are equipped to contribute MTN has an informal approach to induction. Each new employee completes a “shadow day” during which they shadow a member of the team in which they will be working. On joining MTN, staff are each provided with a copy of the Staff Manual which contains the policies that are relevant to training, such as the Health and Safety at work rules, the Company Rules and the Code of Conduct. Any updates are notified to all employees and will be available on the MTN intranet, which is currently under construction. Any team‐specific documentation, rules or procedures are highlighted to employees by their line manager. Some employees are assigned a buddy when they start working at MTN, and the identity of the line manager and team members are made clear to new starters. MTN conducts training on a practical level that is divided by teams, as follows: Broadcast Team – receives support and training from the provider of the broadcast equipment, in accordance with the agreement between MTN and the company. This includes training when equipment is updated and a technical support helpline. 2308653.1 Scheduling Team – receives training internally for the systems, unless the software is updated, in which case the provider provides training in‐house. Graphics Team – receives external ad hoc training as requested to improve their skills, with the approval of the relevant line manager. Studio Crew – receive support and training from the studio manager and lighting co‐ordinator on an ad‐hoc basis. During weekly meetings with each line manager, the CEO checks the notes of each team and discusses performance and any training requirements, which includes any amendments to the induction process. 3. Maintaining appropriate individual performance reviewing process MTN conducts individual performance reviews annually (on the anniversary of each employee’s employment at MTN), during which any training and development needs are identified. During such reviews, employees may raise any suggestions for training and/or their training needs and MTN makes every effort to accommodate such requests. Each appraisal and the targets and issues raised are followed up by an email from the Management Team (which comprises the CEO, Operations Director, HR Manager, Production Manager and Creative Director). MTN considers reviews as an opportunity to boost employees’ confidence and motivate them. MTN wishes to evoke team spirit in the staff and aims to provide training where requested in order to enthuse and improve the skills of its employees. 4. Meeting training needs through on‐job training and development Where relevant, on‐job training and development is conducted informally to equip people to perform in their current role. MTN does not evaluate on‐job training and development. MTN does not release our staff from their day‐to‐day role to attend in‐house or external off‐job training. 5. Meeting training needs through off‐job training provision MTN provides and ensures staff gain access to necessary off‐job training to address specific skills, such as graphics and post‐production techniques. MTN evaluates the effectiveness of such training on an informal basis through feedback by email or discussion in order to assess the usefulness and effectiveness of the training. 6. Communication with staff which supports the creation of a development culture Staff receive information about training opportunities on an ad hoc and informal basis and are encouraged to discuss and share relevant training opportunities amongst themselves. The Management Team communicates to ensure that the training suggestions and recommendations of the line managers are met. For example, on the recommendation of the Operations Director, an external senior level director was brought in to train the studio directors on all elements from positioning the host to arranging the control room, the purpose of which was to ensure that the training was specific to MTN’s studios so that it was most beneficial for the employees. 2308653.1 7. Evaluation systems MTN undertakes some informal evaluation of the impact of training and development on individual performance. For example, when employees undertake any form of training, feedback is given to the relevant line manager, either orally or by email, and covers the quality, effectiveness and relevance of the training, in order to assess its value and whether it will be suitable for other employees. A more formal way of collating and storing (for reference) this information would benefit MTN as it continues to grow. Observations about current arrangements: Current operations are fairly informal. Although there is no formal training plan in place, when employees require or request training, such requests are supported by the management team and arranged if appropriate. MTN strives to provide a supportive working environment that makes training accessible for all employees. When the Management Team becomes aware of training opportunities that may be applicable to certain employees or teams of employees, the relevant individuals or teams are made aware of them. In addition, details of further training which may be useful are either circulated to the employees by email or mentioned more informally. Effectiveness of current arrangements: Due to the size and nature of MTN, the current arrangements allow each individual employee the opportunity to undertake and request bespoke external training courses as and when required. If the size of any particular skilled group were to grow, MTN would consider at that time whether it may be beneficial for a programme of team training (internal or external) to be undertaken. For example, MTN has already benefited from a group training for the team studio directors as mentioned at section 6 above. There is no formal evaluation of any training currently undertaken by employees although informal discussions take place. MTN understands that evaluating the type and standard of training undertaken by employees will be useful for planning effective future training. MTN has therefore prepared a template evaluation sheet to be completed by all employees who attend a training course. The introductory “shadow day” which each potential new employee undertakes before commencing employment at MTN, and the buddy system for new employees in particular helps new employees settle in and become familiar with internal procedures and policies. Further Plans: As MTN is a reasonably new business (established less than 3 years ago), training and skills is an area which requires development, and the Management Team intend to address the need for a structured training programme in the near future. Before doing so, the Management Team will assess the current informal format, which appears to work reasonably effectively within MTN’s environment and style of work, and also evaluate training that has been undertaken by employees in order to reach a suitable and productive formal training programme. 2308653.1